• Delhi International School

Affiliated to CBSE # 1030214

Admission Open for Session 2025-26

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BOOK LIST 2025-26







1 March 2025 08:29 AM


The students of Delhi International School once again brought laurel to the school in class X CBSE board Exam (2022-23) . The glorious moment brought great satisfaction on everybody's face ,as it was the most awaited moment of this year. It is a day on which we are judged and awarded according to our performance a day of pride for the parents. Student congratulated each other and appreciated their teachers and management for their guidance during this tough time of academics. Surely it is the most exciting day of the academic year the day on which the heart beats fastest .It's a proud moment for the school as its students could reach the destination where they were dreaming.

Our top achievers Hritvik Bansal 95% first position Kanika Agnihotri94% second position Vaishnavi Singh 93.8% third position Mohd.Anas Qureshi93.2% Alankrita Rajput 93% ,Saharsh Neema92%,Kanishka Raipurkar91.4%,Divyanshi Jain 91.8%,Drishti Utradhi90.4%,Sharwani Laud 90.06%,Sadgi Patel 90%,Darshini Agrawal90% and so on.

On this occasion patron Inayat Hussain Qureshi ji with other management members, principle and teachers blessed and congratulated all the students on their glorious success and wish them good luck for their bright future.

13 May 2023 04:54 AM


The students of Delhi International School once again brought laurel to the school in class XII CBSE board Exam (2022-23) . The glorious moment brought great satisfaction on everybody's face ,as it was the most awaited moment of this year. It is a day on which we are judged and awarded according to our performance a day of pride for the parents. Student congratulated each other and appreciated their teachers and management for their guidance during this tough time of academics. Surely it is the most exciting day of the academic year the day on which the heart beats fastest .It's a proud moment for the school as its students could reach the destination where they were dreaming.

Our top achievers Vivek Gureja 94% first position Kush Top khane wale 90.4% second position Avani Airan 90% third position Apoorvi Shrivtastav 89.4% Antriksh Gangwar 88% ,Keshav Khandelwal 87.8%,Vanshika Bhatiya 86.6% and so on.

On this occasion patron Inayat Hussain Qureshi ji with other management members, principle and teachers blessed and congratulated all the students on their glorious success and wish them good luck for their bright future.

13 May 2023 04:29 AM


We are delighted to inform you all that Delhi International School has planned free online summer camp for the students of classes I to VIII which will be included Dance, Art & Craft , Spoken English , Stress Management ,Personality Development.

Make this summer productive and joyful with us.

3 May 2023 08:37 AM

The Greatest Achievement

The greatest achievement !!
Garima Dhaketa of Class VII was awarded by hon'ble Defence Minister Mr. Rajnath Singh ,Education Minister Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan in veer gatha project 2.0 in Delhi conducted by CBSE and Defence Ministry. She was welcome at Indore airport by teachers and students. School family is very proud at her and congratulate her and her parents for the achievement.

4 February 2023 07:48 AM

Fee Appeal to Parent

Appeal to Parents
On behalf of all the member schools of Association we would like to
make an appeal to Parents that as per the Final Bye-Parte Order Passed
by the Hon’ble Division Bench of High Court of Madhya Pradesh,
Jabalpur on November 4, 2020, the parents are under obligation to
deposit the full tuition fee in a timely manner as all the educational
institutions are providing online teaching as per the MHRD and State
We would like to appraise you that even in this hour of crisis, the
academics of your child was continued unabated through online
classes. School management and teachers gave their best efforts to
provide the support for academics.
The Hon’ble High Court has also endorsed in its order that the schools
survive only on the fees paid by the parents and hence parent should
extend their co-operation by depositing the fees timely. We would like
to thank and express our gratitude towards all the parents who
provided their unconditional support to school during this time.
In light of the above we request you to remit the fees of your ward as
informed to you by your school authoritiesso that schools can continue
to provide you uninterrupted online services.
Consider this appeal as a final intimation to deposit the fee as per the
schedule given by the school. Failure in depositing the fee would
amount to violation of Hon’ble High Court’s order and may lead to
cancellation of your wards admission & the respective Schools may
offer the seat to other aspirants.
We solicit your co-operation & support.

8 December 2020 07:42 AM

Mental Health Week

The Ministry of Education has started awareness program with CBSE ‘MANODARPAN’ to aware about Mental Health and Emotional well-being during the Covid-19 situation.

Delhi International School is also celebrating “Mental Health week” from 4th October to 10th October 2020 and for this we are organizing two activities –

Both activities are on the topic “Mental Health and Emotional Well-being” for classes III to XII. We want maximum participation from all the students.

The best entry in both the activities will be sent to CBSE and it will be awarded by certificate.

9 October 2020 03:23 AM

Discover Gandhi Quiz

We are pleased to inform you that CBSE is conducting a quiz competition on Commemoration of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi for the classes III to XII .

The quiz has opened on 2 October, 20 at 10.00 AM and will close on 1st November,20 midnight.

Below is the link for which you can easily download from the Google Play Store from your mobile.


9 October 2020 03:20 AM

Orientation course on Gandhian Values

On the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi an 'Orientation course on Gandhian Values' has been Initiated by 'Gandhi Smriti' and 'Darshan Samitii' launched by CBSE.

The guidelines of the course:

Interested Parents/Students may register by using the following links:

Registration link for the Parents and Students:


Course material and reflective exercises links will be shared on your registered email during registeration from 10th October onwards.

A few webinars shall also be conducted through live streaming, links for the same will also be shared with the registered candidates on given email id

This course doesn't include any Registration charges or course fee.

Hurry up and grab your seats.

9 October 2020 03:15 AM

Constitution Day

Delhi International School celebrated Samvidhan Divas on 26 November 2019 to honor and remember the father of constitution , Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar the architect of the Indian constitution and conduct special Assembly by the students which was addressed the our Principal ma'm Ms. Manju Nautiyal , where she explained the importance and meaning of our constitution . Later , an oath on Preamble taken by the students and teachers.

28 November 2019 12:48 AM

National Education Day

National Education Day is an annual observance in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad , the first Education minister of Independent India. National Education Day of India is celebrated on 11th November every year. Delhi International School organised Children's workshop on 'Importance of Education'. All the students of class VI to VIII participated and celebrated the Education Day. #cbsened

11 November 2019 11:23 AM

A Social Service to the villagers by our School Students

"The secret of happiness is sharing your thoughts and views with others"

With this thought in view, on 2 Oct,19 the students of Delhi International School have taken a drive to visit Sinhasa village , Indore in the memory of 150 birth anniversary of our great leader Mahatma Gandhi Ji in order to serve the humanity among the villagers and to spread the practical use of Gandhi's philosophy and to bring awareness about their personal hygiene,nutritious food, conservation of water and other forms of energy
Indeed it was a new learning activity where the students got full support and complete cooperation from the civilians of the village and their joy of happiness was incredible.

4 October 2019 02:17 AM

Little buds celebrated Garba

Garba was celebrated in Delhi International School with great joy and reverence. This festival is a joyous way of worshipping Goddess Durga. The blooming buds of Delhi International School came dressed in magnificently traditional Indian attire and tapped their feet on their favourite tunes with the beautiful and colourful dandiya sticks. 

School Mentor Mr. Inayat Hussian Qureshiji, Ex-Chairman, MP State Haj Committee and Member of Haj Committee of India, felicitated all the students and conveyed his good wishes for Navratri Celebration and what it means. Delhi International School Patrons Mr. Liyakat Ali Ji and School Managing Committee members Mr. Moin Qureshi Ji and Mr. Kadir Qureshi Ji told the students about the nine forms of Goddess Durga and how Navratri Celebrations symbolises victory over evil. School Principal Ms. Manju Nautiyal graced the gathering with her presence and highlighted the significance of festivals in India. It was indeed an enjoyable day filled with fun and knowledge. 

30 September 2019 12:28 PM

Spell Bee

“Winning means you’re willing to go longer work harder and give more than anyone else.”
Delhi International School is extremely happy and proud to announce that our students “Arnav Soni” of Class IV has secured 9th rank in the Inter School competition of Wiz National Spell Bell held in the year 2018-19 at Ryan International School, Indore and “Shubhi Narwana” has secured a certificate for the same. School facilitates for their incredible achievements. It is because of their talent and hard work that they could achieve this feat. The School Principal congratulated and their endeavors for their bright future.

23 September 2019 12:52 AM

Swachhata Hi Seva

"Don't be drastic say no to plastic"

“Swachhata Hi Seva Campaign” was launched by our honourable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi Ji on 11th September, 2019.The main motto of this campaign was to reinforce "Sanitation as everyone's business" and focusing on plastic waste management theme.As plastics are being choked to death by the amount of plastic that we throw away it is killing our oceans it is entering into our bodies in fish we eat. Keeping this in view, the students of Delhi International School have taken an initiative and collected the plastic waste material within the school premises and took up the awareness campaign seriously and asked people nearby to collect all the plastic waste from their surroundings and ensure proper disposable with support of the school management. The key objective of this campaign was to mobilize people and to reinforce the public movement for sanitation to contribute to Mahatma Gandhi's dream of a clean India. 

23 September 2019 12:48 AM

Foundation Day Ceremony

The 15th foundation day of Delhi International School was conducted with high degree of earnestness, joy and passion.
A welcome address by the principal Ms. Manju Nautiyal enlightened the occasion.
The event began with a melodious song sung in the glory of Delhi International School with ceremonial welcome to the management committee - Mr. Liyakat Ali , Mr. Inayat Hussain Qureshi .
Meritorious students were honoured by the management members.
To make this day memorable the students presented mesmerising cultural events.
The programme concluded with the cake cutting which had brought the ultimate smile on the faces of children.

11 July 2019 12:46 PM

Poster Making Competition

“Reuse the past, Recycle the present, save the future.”

With this message, Delhi International school organized an inter house Poster making competition for classes VI to VIII ,where participants portrayed various environmental issues destroying rapidly our ecosystem and suggested many solutions to save our earth. Conserving rain water ,reducing the use of fuel and initiating the use of cycling and public transport, control over population explosion, avoiding constructing cemented roads,planting more and more trees etc were shown through attractive pictures.

    It was a brainstorming activity performed by the students who had put a challenge in front of all of us to take quick steps to save our earth as early as possible otherwise the day will not be very far when there will be no life existing on the earth. 

5 July 2019 06:00 PM


Delhi International School is marching along with the progressive world. To keep our teachers updated with new education policies , DIS has organised two days workshop on 12.06.2019 and 13.06.2019 based on classroom management and corporal punishment addressed by the school Principal Ms. Manju Nautiyal. Teachers were involved in various activities where in they listed classroom problems related to the behavior , learning aptitude, attitude towards teachers and their classmates. Various solutions were suggested by the teachers. 20 strategies to make classroom management effective was explained by the Principal.Teachers were made aware of corporal punishment.Teachers participated enthusiastically. The workshop was very interactive , enriching , informative and constructive.

18 June 2019 08:33 AM

Teaching English as a process not just as a subject

A workshop was conducted by Dr Alka Tomar, an educationist on 11th June 2019 at Delhi International School. It drew attention towards the uniqueness of teaching English at school level. English needs to be ingrained in the psyche of the learner. Various tricks and techniques of teaching English were discussed. A sequence of skits were performed by the participants in order to highlight the effective methods of teaching and learning.

11 June 2019 10:17 AM

Workshop : Changing faces of Teaching

Delhi International School organised a workshop on the topic 'Changing Faces of Teaching' on 10.06.2019. Ms.Sampa Das was the resource person from Bangalore. She provided guidance on teaching methodologies according to the changing requirements of today's students. She effectively guided teachers about inculcating better learning skills in students. All the teachers actively participated in the workshop with enthusiasm.

10 June 2019 10:17 AM

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